Little (Lil) Sista Speak was a ten week pilot workshop for young women from Drummond Memorial Primary School, with a primary focus on Year 5/6. Eight students attended workshops every Wednesday.
The program was designed to assist girls in developing positive relationships and teaching them to respect themselves and others around them.
The workshops were designed to inspire and motivate young women about the importance of education and to raise their awareness about the diverse career paths available to them, focussing specifically on issues of self- esteem, identity, hygiene, sexual health, careers, culture, leadership and economic independence. The program included exploring different career options and hearing positive stories from successful men and women in their community as well as taking part in team activities.
Little Sista Speak aimed to raise the self-esteem of participants and encourage them to make positive choices about school, careers and future lifestyle choices. Litlle Sista Speak provided a framework and a range of activities that can be best used to work with young women.
Outcomes for the Lil Sistas:
- They built friendships with others in their class, teachers and people in the community,
- The Lil Sistas developed a sense of worth,
- Lil Sistas made better choices about what they wanted to do with the life and their futures,
- They have a sense of who they are now and their identities in the community,
- They became confident and proud of themselves and who they are,
- All identified short and long term goals which in the past had not thought about,
- All lil Sistas had better self-esteem and were more confident in themselves,
- All the Lil Sistas could not what to come back each week and always engaged in all activities undertaken,
- All Lil Sistas know that they are who they are and all are unique and should be proud of this but also know that they are not alone.
What the Lil Sistas said about the program:
- Everyone said that they loved coming to the program.
- Students wanted more time for this program.
- Year 5 girls are asking when we are having it next year.
- All ticked they enjoyed all the excursions and guest speakers that they had.
- Many of them stated that they feel connected to the land and who they are after having completed the program – "I feel good about myself and who I am:"
- Many of the students didn't know their totems through activities now know what they are and where their parent’s mobs are from.
Lil Sista Speak Pilot Program 2016