The program
The Karayuna Learning Centre offers a structured and supportive environment in which students develop skills to help them to re-engage in their home school.
The program aims to:
- Assist students to reflect on and understand their behaviour and its consequences and develop a positive attitude towards school.
- Develop the student's motivation and capacity to understand the importance of re-engaging in school life and minimise the recurrence of inappropriate behaviour.
- Provide support for parents/carers.
The students will also be involved in social and behavioural sessions which will explore themes around
- taking responsibility for our actions
- identifying solutions to problems
- an understanding of positive habits of the mind
- planning better choices
- Building positive relationships.
The main aim is for students to realise they have potential.
About the centre
- The Karayuna Learning Centre's program has been developed for students from Year 5 to Year 10.
- Students will attend The Karayuna Learning Centre for a maximum of 20 days.
- Up to 5 students can be in attendance at The Karayuna Learning Centre at any given time.
- Referring schools will be contacted weekly with a progress report on student attendance, application and behaviour.
- Whilst in attendance students will complete the work provided by their home school and The Karayuna Learning Centre's social skills program.